Quick Facts About O-2 Visa

The O-2 visa is given to the support staff and assistants of an O-1
visa holder, who has extraordinary abilities in the field of motion
picture industry, athletics and art. However, O-2 visa is not
applicable to the staff or people accompanying individual with O-1
visa for an event or employment in the field of businesses, science
and education.If you are in the US or outside US but want to prepare
and submit the O-2 visa petition, you can do it on your own or ask a
visa assistance service or even an immigration attorney to help you
complete the procedure as needed.To become eligible for O-2 visa, you
need to prove that you are an integral part of the event or
performance while you have the critical skills that are necessary for
the O-1 visa holder and cannot be fulfilled by hiring any other
person. The individuals that assist O-1 visa holder need to have along
standing relationship with them or production work will be done within
and outside US and their participation is needed. The O-2 visa is
valid for as long as the tenure or period of the O-1 visa holder is
legally valid.

However, minor children and spouse of the O-1 visa holder can accompany on
a O-3 visa but the O-1 visa holder has to file on their behalf while the
dependents have to prove the relationship. Though the dependents on O-3
visa can study, they are not legally authorized to work there.However, the
O-2 visa petition has to be put in by the US employer or through the US
agent that need to file the Form I-129 that is needed by the US
Citizenship and Immigration Service in the region where you intend
working. This specific USCIS form has to be filled in at least six months
before the work has to start.
If there are more than one individual or a group of people petitioning for
the same event at the same place, as many O-2 application can be filled on
the same petition, for all the people together. Here is the list of
documents that are needed when filing for the O-2 petition include:•
Form DS-160 needs to be filled• Entire face needs to be visible in
the 1.5 inch recent photograph and no head covering is allowed.• A
passport that is valid for US travel with a minimum of 6 months validity
even after the period of stay is needed

• Documents that prove your strong connections with your home
country that signifies your status as non-immigrant.• The original
agreement between the O-1 visa holder and the O-2 petitioner that details
the terms of employment and service that proves the professional
relation.• Proof that showcases your capability in helping the O-1
visa holder and professional relationship.You can always refer your
immigration case with an immigration attorney or a visa assistance service
to help you put your proof and documentation in order. In addition, they
can help you with the interviews and questions that you might be asked.

For the latest information on obtaining a O-1 visa and on finding a US
immigration lawyer visit the eb-5investorgreencard .com information


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